Remember Mia from one of my first posts on the blog? I first met her whilst casting at the Victoria Park underage festival. She's been helping me out during her school holidays. She loves the idea of trying modeling so I snapped some more pics of her on one of my shoots and we went to see some agencies. She is now on the books as a major model agency, the same one as Kate Moss no less! Needless to say she is very excited.
She's a smart girl who knows that modeling is rarely a career for life, so she'll still finish all her education and hopefully just have some fun with it. Good luck Mia. x x
these are such lovely photographs, i love them :)
Wow, she's really pretty, but she has that natural beauty, that sort of plain-ness, I guess, but she's gorgeous. What's an underage festival? I'm assuming its for modeling, right?
she is adorable. love those shots!
Wow she is so gorgeous. She looks so young. How old is she exactly?
She looks beautiful! Hopefully she will get some shoots to see if she likes it. Your a great photographer! :)
aw thats really excitting, she has such a delightful look i wish her well. and good on her for keeping a straight mind, but who knows; theres so much potential there.
she's sooo cute!looks great
She is a butterfly! Like the ones i collect within my photography: www.guidosworldwide.com I would love to shoot her...
Thanks for that inspiration!
She is a butterfly! Like the ones i collect within my photography: www.guidosworldwide.com I would love to shoot her...
Thanks for that inspiration!
That's amazing! You're such an inspiring photographer. I love all your work.
x x x
beautiful pictures(:
mia looks so natural in this setting with a free young certainty. good luck with no luck needed!
so so so pretty.
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